Utility Potholing is a method that Emeritec uses with the Hydro-Vac to excavate safely right to an unknown depth for a utility. This safe-effective dig can save our customers from damaging an unknown or known utility with a machine, shovel, or any other machinery.
Oftentimes there is a utility or 10 located around a power pole. Emeritec will safely excavate a new pole location when the time comes for a Power Pole change out. If the Anchor supporting the pole has had its wear as well, Emeritec will excavate a new location for this. Typically a pole depth in the ground is 10% plus 2ft of the new power poles length. An anchor can range from a 7-9ft dig.
With large scale boring there can be a mess left in a trench, hole and other land excavates. With the vac truck, you can keep the vac hose on a steady vac mode where it consistently keeps the material out of the way from the customer. Also, a vac can take care of most land material and debris.
As the local cities start to push more and more towards using a vac on the public works, trenching can be an effective way to get from A-B without damaging utilities. The trenching with a vac will not go as quick as an excavator but, it is the safest and most clean way to take material out of a utility frenzy!
Emeritec works around services that can cause injury or death. We perform safety meetings weekly, tailboards daily, and do in house reenactments to ensure the team is fully involved and aware of to-dos in conditions that could be dangerous. Emeritec has 0 safety incidents to date. Our team is gold shovel standard certified, and we take pride in keeping a safe environment!
Emeritec is an ISNETWORLD Member. We keep an on-track record to ensure a safe environment in and out of the work place.
Contractor Member ID#400-481581
Emeritec Employees are required to be Gold Shovel Certified. This adds to our daily, weekly, and monthly, safety standards.
Safety comes first each and every time!
With safety at the forefront, we have a track record of zero incidents.